From The Pastor – January 2020

Dear Church family,

As I sit here writing this newsletter, I can’t help but think how writing letters is going out of style. Today we send emails or text messages. But letters are very special, you put your thoughts to paper.

God has written a love letter to us, God’s love letter to us became flesh and blood and dwelt on earth. For 33 years you could read that letter on earth, now we can read it in the scriptures. In His letter, Jesus tells us three things:

  1. He Included Us – God has included us in His plan of redemption. We are to carry the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth. Let’s be faithful in 2020 to share our faith with others.
  2. He Inspires Us – I am inspired by God’s love for all people. The love of God was perfectly manifested in the life of Jesus. God is the supreme example of love and grace (John 3:16). God is a great giver and He inspires us to give love and grace to others.
  3. He Instructs Us – The love letter of Jesus instructs us. Can you just imagine what kind of a world we would have if everyone just obeyed the teaching of Jesus? The Bible says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus instructs us to look to Him and seek His kingdom then God will supply all that we need.

God has sent us a great letter. My prayer for us all is “Let Others See Jesus in You,”

Let others see Jesus in you,

Keep telling the story,

Be faithful and true,

Let others see Jesus in you.

Love you ALL,

Pastor “Buckshot”

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