From The Pastor – April/May 2020

Dear Northside Family,

First, I want to say hello and welcome back to the church house. For many of us if not all of us these uncertain days have been challenging. But at the same time, it has challenged us to look for new ways to do church. For those of you without Facebook I have been preaching live every Sunday morning at 10:45. It has reached people all over SC, sometimes with more than 300 views. It has also been put here on the church website.

These uncertain times have moved us from our comfort zone in how we do church. It has caused us to look for new ways to get the gospel out. No doubt, these have been challenging times, but I’m comforted that God is in control. He is faithful to us all the time. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:10…

The name of the Lord is our strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.

We find all that we need at the feet of Jesus, we find peace, hope, love, help, and so much more. Our confidence is knowing that Christ is the answer. he is our strong tower!

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the Lord during this pandemic; our tithe and offerings have not missed a beat (that says so much about our sweet church family). You are a church that gives God preeminence that he so deserves. I am so honored to pastor such a faithful group of believers.

As Christians, we have something that our unbelieving friends and neighbors do not have. We have God’s perspective in scripture, and by looking at His perspective on life, we can find strength, comfort, and guidance when we face these uncertain days. My prayer for us all is penned in that old Hymn,

We’ll work ’til Jesus comes, we’ll work ’til Jesus comes,
We’ll work ’til Jesus comes, and we’ll be gathered home.

I love you ALL!

Pastor “Buckshot” – Philippians 4:13

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